Thursday, March 29, 2012

Will You Take Me For Granted? (Women Must Read)

I would like to share this with other women. To make them smile, or rethink their choices, or prepare. And I also want to share this to men, so they would understand...

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.
Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve, then heck no, you can't "be friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better". You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later.
You can not change a man's behaviour. Change comes from within.
Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.

Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending. Compromise is two way street.
Make him miss you sometimes. When a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him, he takes it for granted.
Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in our radar but get to know others.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.
Scared of being alone is what makes a lot of women stay in relationships that are abusive or hurtful.
You should know that you're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he'll miss out on a good thing.
If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he's not the only one. They're all watching you, so you have a lot of choices. Make the right one.
The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to make her fall for him when he doesn't intend to catch her fall.

"There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that person has started hating us. But because we found out that they'd be happier if we let them go." -Hamdiy-

I'm not gonna get drunk to please the crowd..
I'm not gonna be a slut and sleep around..
I'm gonna say what I think and say it loud..
I'm gonna say what I believe and I'm gonna stand proud..
I'm gonna be me, no matter who I'm around..

So ladies, take care of your own heart..

Source :

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Puisi Negeri Kelantan Seindah Namamu ~Oleh Oki Setiana Dewi Cinta (Bila Cinta Bertasbih)

Negeri Kelantan Seindah Namamu 
Tanah Serendah Sekebun Bunga 
Negeri Tadahan Wahyu
Cik Siti Wan Kembang 
Cukup Indah Namamu Seindah Negerimu

Duhai Wajahmu Yang Indah Persis Jeddah
Yang Pernahku Lewati
Taat Menjunjung Al-Quran
Teguh Menggalas Syariat Yang Tidak Pernah Goyah
Tersentuh Hati Kudusku Lantaran Aku Disini
Biar Tidak Pernah Kuduga
Bertemu Dengan Seorang Ulama Yang Cintai Rakyatnya
Lalu Kuntum Rindu Yang Lama Tersimpan
Terubat Jua Akhirnya Biar Sekelumit Cinta

Beruntung Rakyatnya
Menumpang Teduh Seorang Ulama Yang Lembut
Tapi Tegas Beribadah
Yang Pengasih Namun Tidak Goyah Pada
Percikan Kealpaan Dunia
Pasti Aku Merinduimu Lagi 
Etah Kapan Bisa Diubati
Cuma Setitis Doa Bisa Aku Titip Buatmu 
Memacu Membangun Islam Bersama
Semoga Kita Bertemu Kembali

Bicara Selebriti | Kapten Hafiz, Sharifah Khasif, Oki Setiana Dewi

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Ikan Masak Sop Special & Teh Ais Madu di Kedai Haji Mat Pulau Pisang, Kelantan

Ikan Masak Sop Special & Teh Ais Madu di Kedai Haji Mat Pulau Pisang memang tidak asing lagi bagi penduduk di Kota Bharu, malah ramai juga yang bukan dari Kota Bharu pun sanggup datang bertandang ke Kedai Haji Mat atau lebih dikenali dengan nama  glamornya Pak Mat.
Kedai Pak Mat ni dibuka pada waktu pagi dan biasanya ditutup pada sebelah petang iaitu pada pukul 2 petang atau 3 petang...

Kedai Pak Mat yang diusahakan bersama isterinya biasa saja sama seperti kedai makan yang lain namun yang istimewa yang ada pada kedai Pak Mat ialah dua perkara iaitu Sop Ikan Special dan Teh Beng Ais Madu/Teh Ais Madu... memang sedap sangat dan diminati ramai.  Tambahan pula ikan yang digunakan ikan yang baru ditangkap, segar dan dibuat pula dengan resepi keluarga yang pernah dihidangkan kepada keluarga Diraja.  Sesiapa yang sudah merasa pasti hendak lagi...

 Mckelate sempat bergambar dengan Pak Mat dan isterinya 
yang sentiasa melayan pelanggan dengan ramah dan mesra

 Teh Beng Madu menjadi pilihan kegemaran ramai di Kedai Pak Mat

Sop Ikan Special yang menjadi pilihan utama pelanggan ke Kedai Pak Mat... 
sangat yummy cuba sekali pasti hendak lagi

 Makan bersama nasi panas-panas... pasti terangkat... emmmm sedapppp

 Daging goreng, Kari Ikan, Kari Ayam, Nasi berlauk ... semua ada di sini

Mckelate dan rakan-rakan selalu bersarapan pagi di sini terutama bila Mckelate berada di Kelate...

Monday, March 05, 2012


Orang yang wujud dihatinya akan suatu rasa mencintai Allah melebihi segala apa yang ada di langit dan dibumi, nescaya tiada duka buatnya. Allah akan memenuhi rindu dihatinya, tiada lagi rindunya buat duniawi yang akan binasa. Seseorang pecinta akan selalu berfikir dan menyebut insan yang dicintai, ibaratnya tak mati di hati, tak lekang di bibir. Demikian jualah cinta untuk Illahi, persiapkan lisan untuk selalu menyebut indah namaNya, sediakan hati untuk selalu mengingatiNya, dan jadilah insan yang paling bahagia dalam redhaNya.

Hadis Qudsi:
Allah swt berfirman: “Aku menurut sangkaan hamba kepada-Ku, dan Aku bersamanya apabila dia ingat kepada-Ku. Jika dia ingat kepada-Ku dan dalam dirinya maka Aku mengingatnya dalam diri-Ku. Jika dia ingat kepada-Ku dalam kelompok orang-orang yang lebih baik dari kelompok mereka. Jika dia mendekat kepada-Ku sejengkal maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sehasta. Jika dia mendekat kepada-Ku sehasta maka Aku mendekat kepadanya sedepa. Jika dia datang kepada-Ku dengan berjalan maka Aku datang kepadanya dengan berlari-lari kecil.” (Sahih Bukhari)

10 Tanda Jodoh Kita

Berikut adalah 10 petanda yang menunjukkan dia adalah jodoh kita.

1. Bersahaja

Kekasih kita itu bersikap bersahaja dan tidak berlakon. Cuba perhatikan cara dia berpakaian, cara percakapan, cara ketawa serta cara makan dan minum. Adakah ia spontan dan tidak dikawal ataupun kelihatan pelik.

Kalau ia nampak kurang selesa dengan gayanya, sah dia sedang berlakon. Kadang-kadang, kita dapat mengesan yang dia sedang berlakon. Tetapi, apabila dia tampil bersahaja dan tidak dibuat-buat, maka dia adalah calon hidup kita yang sesuai. Jika tidak, dia mungkin bukan jodoh kita.

2. Senang bersama

Walaupun kita selalu bersamanya, tidak ada sedikit pun perasaan bosan, jemu ataupun tertekan pada diri kita. Semakin hari semakin sayang kepadanya. Kita sentiasa tenang, gembira dan dia menjadi pengubat kedukaan kita.

Dia juga merasainya. Rasa senang sekali apabila bersama. Apabila berjauhan, terasa sedikit tekanan dan rasa ingin berjumpa dengannya. Tidak kira siang ataupun malam, ketiadaannya terasa sedikit kehilangan.

3.Terima Kita Seadaanya

Apapun kisah silam yang pernah kita lakukan, dia tidak ambil peduli. Mungkin dia tahu perpisahan dengan bekas kekasihnya sebelum ini kita yang mulakan. Dia juga tidak mengambil kisah siapa kita sebelum ini. Yang penting, siapa kita sekarang.

Biarpun dia tahu yang kita pernah mempunyai kekasih sebelumnya, dia tidak ambil hati langsung. Yang dia tahu, kita adalah miliknya kini. Dia juga sedia berkongsi kisah silamnya. Tidak perlu menyimpan rahsia apabila dia sudah bersedia menjadi pasangan hidup kita.

4. Sentiasa jujur

Dia tidak kisah apa yang kita lakukan asalkan tidak menyalahi hukum hakam agama. Sikap jujur yang dipamerkan menarik hati kita. Kejujuran bukan perkara yang boleh dilakonkan. Kita dapat mengesyaki sesuatu apabila dia menipu kita.

Selagi kejujuran bertakhta di hatinya, kebahagiaan menjadi milik kita. Apabila berjauhan, kejujuran menjadi faktor paling penting bagi suatu hubungan. Apabila dia tidak jujur, sukar baginya mengelak daripada berlaku curang kepada kita.

Apabila dia jujur, semakin hangat lagi hubungan cinta kita. Kejujuran yang disulami dengan kesetiaan membuahkan percintaan yang sejati. Jadi, dialah sebaik-baik pilihan.

5. Percaya Mempercayai

Setiap orang mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Adakalanya rahsia ini perlu dikongsi supaya dapat mengurangkan beban yang ditanggung. Apabila kita mempunyai rahsia dan ingin memberitahu kekasih, adakah rahsia kita selamat di tangannya?

Bagi mereka yang berjodoh, sifat saling percaya mempercayai antara satu sama lain timbul dari dalam hati nurani mereka. Mereka rasa selamat apabila memberitahu rahsia-rahsia kepada kekasihnya berbanding rakan-rakan yang lain.

Satu lagi, kita tidak berahsia apa pun kepadanya dan kita pasti rahsia kita selamat. Bukti cinta sejati adalah melalui kepercayaan dan kejujuran. Bahagialah individu yang memperoleh kedua-duanya.

6. Senang Bekerjasama

Bagi kita yang inginkan hubungan cinta berjaya dan kekal dalam jangka masa yang panjang, kita dan dia perlu saling bekerjasama melalui hidup ini. Kita dan kekasih perlu memberi kerjasama melakukan suatu perkara sama ada perkara remeh ataupun sukar.

Segala kerja yang dilakukan perlulah ikhlas bagi membantu pasangan dan meringankan tugas masing-masing. Perkara paling penting, kita dan dia dapat melalui semua ini dengan melakukannya bersama-sama. Kita dan dia juga dapat melakukan semuanya tanpa memerlukan orang lain dan kita senang melakukannya bersama.

Ini penting kerana ia mempengaruhi kehidupan kita pada masa hadapan. Jika tiada kerjasama, sukar bagi kita hidup bersamanya. Ini kerana, kita yang memikul beban tanggungjawab seratus peratus. Bukankah ini menyusahkan?

7. Memahami diri kita

Bagi pasangan yang berjodoh, dia mestilah memahami diri pasangannya. Semasa kita sakit dia bawa ke klinik. Semasa kita berduka, dia menjadi penghibur. Apabila kita mengalami kesusahan, dia menjadi pembantu. Di kala kita sedang berleter, dia menjadi pendengar.

Dia selalu bersama kita dalam sebarang situasi. Tidak kira kita sedang gembira ataupun berduka, dia sentiasa ada untuk kita. Dia juga bersedia mengalami pasang surut dalam percintaan. Kata orang, “lidah sendiri lagikan tergigit”, inikan pula suami isteri’.

Pepatah ini juga sesuai bagi pasangan kekasih. Apabila dia sentiasa bersama kita melalui hidup ini di kala suka dan duka, di saat senang dan susah, dialah calon yang sesuai menjadi pasangan hidup kita.

8. Tampilkan kelemahan

Tiada siapa yang sempurna di dunia ini. Tipulah jika ada orang yang mengaku dia insan yang sempurna daripada segala sudut. Pasti di kalangan kita memiliki kelemahan dan keburukan tertentu. Bagi dia yang bersedia menjadi teman hidup kita, dia tidak terlalu menyimpan rahsia kelemahannya dan bersedia memberitahu kita.

Sudah tentu bukan senang untuk memberitahu dan mengakui kelemahan di hadapan kekasihnya. Malah, dia tidak segan mempamerkan keburukannya kepada kita. Misalnya, apabila dia bangun tidur ataupun sakit dan tidak mandi dua hari, dia tidak menghalang kita daripada melawatnya.

Apabila kita dan dia saling menerima kelemahan dan sifat buruk masing-masing, memang ditakdirkan kita hidup bersamanya.

9. Kata hati

Dengarlah kata hati. Kadangkala, manusia dikurniakan Allah deria keenam yang dapat mengetahui dan memahami perasaan pasangannya. Dengan deria batin ini juga kita dapat saling tahu perasaan masing-masing.

Kita dan dia juga dapat membaca fikiran antara satu sama lain dan dapat menduga reaksi dan tindakbalas pada situasi tertentu. Apabila kita yakin dengan pilihan hidup kita, tanyalah sekali lagi. Adakah dia ditakdirkan untuk kita?

Dengarlah kata hati dan buatlah pilihan. Serahlah segalanya pada ketentuan yang maha berkuasa.

10. Solat Istikharah dan Tawakkal

Jodoh dan pertemuan semuanya di tangan Allah SWT. Manusia hanya perancang di pentas dunia ini dan skripnya ditulis oleh yang maha esa. Adakalanya, dalam memainkan peranan sebagai pelakon, diberi petunjuk melalui mimpi atau gerak hati.

Mimpi memang mainan tidur, tetapi apabila kita melakukan sembahyang Istikharah dan memohon supaya Allah memberikan petunjuk, insya-Allah dengan izinnya kita mendapat petunjukNya. Jika dia pilihan kita, buatlah keputusan sebaiknya.

Jika tidak, tolaklah dia dengan baik. Semua yang kita lakukan ini adalah bagi mendapatkan kebahagiaan hidup di dunia. Setelah semuanya diusahakan, berserahlah kepadaNya dan terus berdoa. Ingatlah, nikmat di dunia ini hanya sementara.

Nikmat di akhirat adalah kekal selamanya.



LOVE is a strong feeling you can't explain, But you know - because you can feel it. LOVE is the feeling deep inside that tells you when you are apart that you desperately want to be back with your loved one. It is the feeling of wanting to be as one, together! One of the most important things is that this person should be your "best friend" and should always be considered before anyone else. They are your "world", your "rock" and should be loved unconditionally 100% of the time. It is when you want to tell the world "I love this person and I want to grow old with this beautiful person" - wikidotanswersdotcom ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Life goes on...

 True Love burns the brightest, but
 the brightest flames leave the deepest scars 

Life is to short to give up the chance of true love

It's not about getting over a person, it's about feeling good about yourself. It's about knowing that you are the most important and you need to be happy. If this other person doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't really matter. Only when one stops chasing and pursing someone who doesn't love you, will you open the door to that perfect person who will love you back with the same intensity that you will love him.

Things happen when they are meant to be. People part for reasons beyond human comprehension but the reality remains if you are meant to love each other and be with each other, it will happen. That's the power of destiny.We can't control love no matter how hard we try. It's just one of those things, but we can choose to love again. Mend your heart. Make it from one day to the next and keep doing it, pretty soon we will feel better, if only a little, but that's a start to total healing.Pray, and remember the good times but learn from the bad.

Don't you want, one day, to be truly happy? Life is to short to give up the chance of true love for yourself. Go out into the world and continue to be the wonderful person that you are. Someone will see this, and love you just as much as you are capable of loving. Life is to short to give up the chance of true love for yourself.

When the time is right, and you feel like you are ready to love again, don't look for it, let it find you. Keep God first, and never question his work... (extract from wikianswersdotcom)

How To Get Over Someone You Love

  • First realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. If someone is not interested in you it is in your best interest to find someone who does love and adore you for who you are. Know that you are worth it, and there are plenty of people who will love you. Never settle for someone who is not treating you and respecting you the way you deserve. 
  • Ask yourself what might be in his head or his heart; it takes two people to be in a relationship and even though you feel the way that you do, maybe it was meant to be this way. Save your love for someone who feels the same way about you!
  • In my case, I know I deserve better. I tell myself "He isn't worth my love, he's too young to realize what he's doing to me so I guess that's that."
  • It's not about getting over a person, it's about feeling good about yourself. It's about knowing that you are the most important and you need to be happy. If this other person doesn't feel the same way, it doesn't really matter.
  • This situation is always an unfortunate one. It is ideal for 2 people to love each other the same, and at the same pace, but life is never ideal. To get this kind of relationship to work, you need patience! you have to weigh either waiting for her or moving on as options. If your feelings are real, and you choose to hang in there, you must not scare her away with your feelings! If things are meant to work out, you should be great friends before lovers anyway. While you let both your feelings reach equilibrium, you'll find it becomes easier sometimes just to ignore your strong feelings for her and just kick-back and chill with her. It's not always important to impress her, or do nice things for her in a loving way. It may give you hope to know that she can see you in the same light, just not so quickly.
  • Tough circumstance - being in love with someone who does not feel the same way as you do. It's not a problem - you can fix those, this is almost like "it's raining outside" - just have to deal. Objective advice: If someone doesn't feel the same way as you do - walk off. Don't even give them the privilege of friendship because you'll suck yourself back into the delusion. Do things for yourself, keep busy, bury yourself in work and keep searching for what you really want and need. Don't do what I have done.
  • Firstly, love is a peculiar thing. There is an almost ludicrous asymmetry between two people. The person at the top of your best friend list may rank you only at the middle of his or her list. However, if you truly, truly loved someone, then you'd be able to realize that it's OK if they don't love you back. True love gives and expects nothing in return; a true unrequited love. So, I've moved on from my perfect potential companion. He gave me the strength to realize that I can move on. He gave me the courage to try something different. He gave me the wisdom and sense for me to also respect myself. So, if you truly loved them, it doesn't matter if they feel the same way, your love conquers all.
  • It is strange when u r hurting from rejection, to hear someone say move on things will be fine. No matter how much u love him, He never loves u back. For all those wondering what went wrong Just stop wondering say it really aloud "HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU". Only when one stops chasing and pursing someone who doesn't love you, will you open the door to that perfect person who will love you back with the same intensity that you will love him.
  • If you belive in destiny then you have know that things happen when they are meant to be. People part for reasons beyond human comprehension but the reality remains if you are meant to love each other and be with each other, it will happen. That's the power of destiny. Love always wins. Love is important and only it counts.
  • The older I get, the more I believe that some people are full of the capacity to love - like me - and others are incapable of it in the romantic sense, for whatever reason. Fear of committment. A distorted view of freedom. The desire to stay young forever? A deep unwillingness to give themselves over to another (aka, selfish)? It is an absolute rock and a hard place. Loving someone who doesn't love you back is the most impossible situation imaginable, especially when the love is so strong you are a slave to it.
  • I am going through this right now. For those of you whose situation is similar, this is what I suggest: Deal with reality. Stop hoping, dreaming, etc. Pray and tell God that you forgive them for not being able to love you. Ask God to take this from you - and He will. Then continue to deal with reality. Don't tell yourself, maybe someday... they'll change... True love accepts the person for who they are, even when they are evil and they don't love you. It means accepting reality. When you love and accept reality at the same time, you are forced to move on. When you deal with reality and move on without love, you take bitterness with you. When you love without dealing with reality, you hurt yourself. Love the other person, Accept the reality and pray to God for the wisdom and strength you'll need to do that continuously until it ceases to become a problem.
  • Try not to be in contact cos its almost like an addiction. You think that one little text will do no harm but the pain when he doesn't reply will just make things worse. That would be my advice.
  • There is one more thing I can recommend. There are times when you feel very weak and feel you need to talk to that other person even though they may have just hurt you again, you don't know why you want to talk to them, you just do. I've been able to get by these weak moments by writing down exactly what I'm feeling at the time, it comes out in a jumble of feelings and thoughts, some not so pleasant, but in the end it actually helps and I don't feel to call the person anymore. For everyone out there, keep strong and keep your head up, there are better days ahead.
  • Tough one. If we know for a fact there is no hope for a mutual love, then why torture yourself. Move on. Treat it like a divorce. FORCE yourself to live and keep meeting people. You owe it to yourself to be avaiable for when the right person does come along. Love is like a bus stop, there's always going to be another opportunity for the bus to stop again -- if we are ready for it at the bus stop. Sometimes we don't ever think we could possibly find someone better than that one we are in love with that doesn't return the love back, but that's not true. We just won't be ready to find it if we are pining for a love that is not healthy or returned. We owe it to ourselves to always know we deserve what's best and healthy. Stop being around that person if at all possible. If you can't, then think in your mind about how wonderful it would be to actually find someone special that returns your love. Tell yourself that you deserve it. We can't control love no matter how hard we try. It's just one of those things, but we can choose to love again. Work out, write your thoughts on papaer and then shred it but sometimes it helps to get your thoughts out of you, in writing. It's like a release or venting. Then rip it into shreds and flush it or shred it so it can't be found to possibly humiliate you later.
  • Staying busy can help a lot, but late at night, driving down the road, or at times when we can think are hard so blast some music, turn the tv up, read a book, watch a movie, take a night class, spend more time with friends, join an email group with those who share an interest. .. whatever, do things to force your mind not to be hurting for that other person. Don't ask yourself why you were not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, sexy enough, etc. Don't beat yourself up over something that didn't work out. If you made mistakes and were responsible for killing it. Painful as it is, learn from those mistakes. Don't make them again. We all have had heartaches that hurt bad and SUCK! A broken heart is never fun. Life goes on. We have to as well. We owe it to ourselves to know we simply go on. We will meet another person but we shouldn't while we are hurting. We'll often end up not being as clear headed. We want someone to love us and to feel wanted, but that's a potential for another mess. Or, you could end up hurting someone they way you were hurt. When your heart is mended, you'll know. Every single day we get just a tiny bit better. Ok, maybe not every day, but if we can just make it from one day to the next and keep doing it, pretty soon we will feel better, if only a little, but that's a start to total healing.
  • Time. Letting yourself grieve and actually being ok with that. Not forcing yourself to get over someone. Allow yourself to feel the hurt, cry, write about it, listen to sad songs. Soon you will feel so tired from hurting all of the time. You will be ready to move forward. Doing this without contact of the person you love is best. Anyone that will still see you, sleep with you, and spend time with you, knowing they don't love you, and knowing how you feel, is selfish. Everyone deserves more than that. You can't force love out of your heart so don't try, that just hurts worse and you end up lying to yourself. You are human for loving, but you have to love yourself more. I do agree with comments on staying busy, friends and family also help. Casual dating can backfire however, because if the dates don't go well, it will just make you miss the person you love even more. Pray, and remember the good times but learn from the bad. Don't you want, one day, to be truly happy? Life is to short to give up the chance of true love for yourself. Go out into the world and continue to be the wonderful person that you are. Someone will see this, and love you just as much as you are capable of loving.
  • You accept yourself as you are, love yourself for who you are, forgive yourself for decisions and actions that have brought you pain, never settle for anything less then what you desire and deserve. Love is all about timing, make yourself the best person you can be both mentally and physically and do it for yourself no man. Once you do that, you will no longer waste your time on men who do not see you for who you are. You will see yourself as a beautiful women that has so much to offer the right man. But to be able to get over lost love you have to be able to forgive yourself, whether it was your fault or not for the break up. You also must make a conscious effort to get him out of your life. Keeping him as a friend will bring only more pain, this is from experience. Let him go, delete his name off your cell phone off your email, put the pictures away. It is your choice to be miserable about the situation, which for the first few months everyone chooses to be sad. I chose to be sad for 5 months when the man I loved dumped me. But you can also make the choice to be happy, but only you can do that. You have one life why sit there and waste it on a man who can't see all facets of your beauty. You have one life to be happy, love yourself, forgive yourself and you will see that that love will radiate and men will be attracted to that. Good men will be attracted to your positive self worth. And that positive self worth gets rid of all the baggage from past relationships that ruin current ones. But this is a choice, a conscious choice to leave the past and be happy and only you can make it. Know it wont be easy, but in the end you will have the love you have always desired.
  • All you can do is take it a day at a time and pray for strength.
  • You have to decide that there is now another step to climb in your life. There will always be happiness around the corner, everyone finds it. Happiness WILL come and find you. I wish you all the best for the future, keep smiling.
  • Time is the key. When you love someone you must know when it is time to let go. As hard as this may sound, strength, courage and knowledge is gathered from a broken heart. No one promised that love would last forever, nor that it wouldn't, it's just a chance. Life is a chance. Love yourself, pray, not only for you, but for that person as well. Never let bad feelings or experience change the person you are. No one wants a wounded bird, so understand that you need time to heal internally. There is no set time on when this will happen, but just let it take it's course. When the time is right, and you feel like you are ready to love again, don't look for it, let it find you. Keep God first, and never question his work. We will never know what the man has in store, and who is to say that you two won't love again, when the time is right, or maybe you both have matured. Life is short, so enjoy and savor your breath. Your battle is not lost, you are just beginning to live. God bless you and keep you strong.
  • This is not an easy question, and the answer is complex. I have several substrate beliefs that will take me where I am going to go. First, how you feel or don't feel about another says much about you. How they respond, says something about them. Think about that deeply. You may or may not know all of your reasons for feeling the way you do about that person. I suspect you may not have the whole story about them. Consider yourself for a moment. Is the first person of this personality type you have loved or is this a pattern? If it is a pattern, are you getting yourself involved with unavailable individuals? If so, you may need to look deeply at your motivation in choosing that type of person and why you are attracted to them. Now, lets look a them. Now, if you clearly did some misdeed that caused the breakup, you may have to live with it. That person may not trust you again. If you have not done anything of that sort, and you are blaming your self for something minor like "saying was instead of were." Then, you need to access if that person has some deeper issue that may not have anything to do with you directly. If they have issues, it is best to let them have the space to address them. It may take years. There is a song which has the lyric, "I can't make you love me, if you don't. You can't make your heart feel something it won't." You can give of yourself and offer your love and support. If that person does not, can not, or will not love you back, then there is nothing you can do about it. That is their choice. And you really do not want them unless they truly loved you in return, right? Now, do not think ill of that person. The care that person has for you may be all they have to give and they are just being honest. Now back to you. I am of the belief that "Love Never Fails." I believe that once you love someone it does not die. But I believe that love is about giving and not getting. You must give them their request. That is in many ways a great gift of love, a gift of respect. You will have to go on. Time will heal you wounds. Allow yourself to sorrow and feel the pain now for the time of grief will pass. You will learn to live with the loss. You will always love that person, but that does not mean you will not love again!
  • You have no choice but to get over this person... let them go and move on. 
  • The answer is that there is no remedy or procedure to get over someone completely. It is not as simple as performing a few tasks or reading a certain book. From my experience only time will assist you in getting over a love in your life. Now the trick is this person must me completely out of your life to completely get over him or her. If this person remains in your life then time will never start the healing process. It took me exactly one year to get over someone I loved very much. It can be done, and in life this process can happen more than once, so learn from the mistakes you make in one relationship and apply them to the next.
  • Surround yourself in mates, journals journals journals, I play guitar which helps, and something really important; at least for a while, ALLOW yourself to be depressed, its inevitable your going to be! so fighting it just gets you mad and frustrated. Music helps A LOT.
  • The main advice I can give, which isn't much at this stage, is FOCUS. That's what you need. For days I was sitting around at home crying and getting stressed, I became depressed, couldn't eat and my dreams were haunted by my ex. But I got a job, decided to start work out and begun to get focused on life.
  • "You never stop loving someone; you just learn to live without them."
  • Free your mind from worries. Live simple. Give more. Expect less.
  • There is no easy way to get over someone, but you will get over them. The time it takes varies from person to person and depends on how close you were to the person you're trying to get over with. It's hard work to get over someone. The reason is you have to begin weeding them out of your life, and stop contacting them if you are, if they keep contacting you, then take longer and longer to get back to them. Remember to remain detached. Over time you'll go through the different stages of feeling where you get to the point of anger, in that you begin asking yourself, "why am I continuing to beat myself up over someone who clearly isn't interested, if they were, they're not anymore, I've done everything I can to show I'm interested and I keep getting knocked down." You will realize it's not worth it. Life is too short and their are millions of people out there, one who will love you completely, the way you love them. If you made some mistakes in the previous union, you'll know what they are and will do your best to avoid doing them again.
  • Forget about him for a while and get a new bf. Just say u have never met the guy u love and say that u love him more. Then kiss him and go up to who ever u like and, "do u wanna go out again or not because I am in love with u so much that i cant stay away from u." Then say (if u want to or not) "Ill do anything for u".
  • Maybe you should really think, are they the one for me, and do i really love them? 
  • I know that when you love someone it's always going to be hard getting over them, especially when they loved you too. like for instance i once dated this guy 5 times and we were in love but every time we had a fight we broke up and most of the time the fights were for very stupid things. and i right now have a new boyfriend and he loves me but I'm not sure i love him because i still love my ex but he now loves my best friend and it has been a long time since i last dated him and in that period of time he had 3 girlfriends and i have only had 1 boyfriend and the 3 people he dated were all my best friends and now he is currently single but like a ton of people like him so i would totally recommend to get a new boyfriend and if that doesn't help try talking to him and telling him how you really feel or you could always try to look your very hottest and that may help but its not the best approach also you could try to flirt with him but don't make it too obvious and while your flirting with him make a few jokes and if he laughs you laugh too and see if he can make you feel like your walking on air and if he doesn't get a new boyfriend 
    Try to forget him/her and distract yourself. 
  • Spend time with your same-sex friends, watch TV or movies, read books. Under no circumstance have contact with him/her. That means no texts, no face-to-face contact, no email, no social networking, nothing. If you're close friends, just avoid him/her. Next, try to find someone else, not necessarily to replace them, but just so you can have feelings for someone else. Don't have a one-time fling, however. 
  • The thing you should ask yourself is if it's necessary that the person whom you love should always love you back? 
  • If you love someone then you should know that you would never force your love to do something... these things are always natural which comes with the glimpse of feelings and you have to give time... everything will be alright. 
  • You don't, I guess; you just sort of learn to live with it. And if you can't, then just try to suck it up. 
  • Yes. You can love this person - not be in love with them. Think of the negatives about that person, think of better people out there, think that this person isn't worth your time. People say it helps to get another partner. Most importantly, pray to get over this person so you can move on. 
  • Try your best to forget about that person. It may seem hard, but there are ways to forget the person by trying to go out more often with other friends, making a new hobby, or simply just meeting new people. Another good way is to avoid communicating with the person as much as possible - no texting or calling them. 
  • Time. Everything takes time. Either way, it'll take a lot of time if you really love him. Don't harm yourself either. It's not worth it. Just try to get rid of everything and anything that reminds you of him/her and try to stay away. 
  • Personally, I find that you don't. No matter how long you wait, you will always love them just that little bit! 
  • Well I have got over my first love by meeting someone new and much better. Now I'm so glad that I am over him and am in love with someone 10 times better!! 
  • It is not a problem to allow someone to leave your life... know in your heart YOU are better off! I have learned this and learned self respect as well! I am deeply in love now and I am loved beautifully in return! We each have someone out there! KNOW THAT and LOVE YOURSELF! 
  • If this person that you are referring to is not reciprocating the love you have to offer, it would be best to do everything you can to forget this person instead. This way you are doing yourself a big favor and saving yourself from heartache. You can start by making yourself busy with other productive things, like work or engage yourself in a new business venture you know you can handle. Time will pass and you will see that you have completely gotten yourself over this person.
  • I think you should take it a day at a time, see if they still want to be your friend. If you can't be with them the next best thing is to be friends.
  • It's going to take time to heal....but don't worry :) You can still be friends with that person if you want. But to get over it, hang with your friends go see a movie, do stuff that you enjoy doing, take up new hobbies, something that takes your mind off that person. Also just because they don't fel the same don't treat them hostilely or rude just be nice and don't make them miserable.( I'm not saying that you would I'm just saying don't because you'll regret it later.) 
  • You wont get over them you have to just move on. Take it from a guy that's been there. I'm not with what was said above.
  • All the things above are wonderful tips here are some of the things i did to get over my ex
  • dont beat yourself up and question it.asking yourself why it happened or what went wrong wont help
  • dont try to be their friend lose ALL contact
  • do the things you used to do before you met
  • talk to your old friends,they will help you remember who you were and maybe help you find some one new
  • make a list of things you want to do with your life like your dreams
  • write,sing,dance dont just lay around sulking about it
  • remind yourself every day YOU ARE WORTH IT,YOU ARE BETTER OFF
  • even tho it hurts now trying to get back together will most likely hurt more take that from a girl whose tried.
  • Just go out with your friends and get on with your life and chin up!!!
  • Find a new men sister. he's not worth it! maybe you c an get over it with a new guy. try to fall in love agin. someone else is there for you.
