Saturday, April 14, 2012

Jangan padamkan api cinta ini...

Jika ada cinta lain yang hadir dalam hidupku...
Janganlah Engkau padam api kecintaanku terhadapMu ya Allah. Malah ku pohon agar Engkau semarakkannya dengan kasihMu dan nurMu. Aku memerlukanMu pada setiap detik hidupku. Aku sentiasa berkehendak kepada cintaMu, rahmatMu dan petunjukMu.
Aku hanya dambakan setitis kebahagiaan laksana syurgaMu di dunia ini sehingga usiaku dihujung nyawa...
Perkenankan doa hambaMu yang hina ini...amin ya rabb...

Allah has a perfect plan, but we cannot understand his wisdom. We may look for results in this world, but Allah has plans for the hereafter, where we will live in eternity. Don't question Allah why things don't work the way we want them, Ask Allah to give you strength and knowledge to understand His plan, and to thank Him. Ask Him for guidance to paradise. Know that no prophet was given an easy task, and likewise, no prophet was not promised the fragrance of paradise in eternity. Trust Allah when you seek his help (Islamic Inspiration Quotes)

"It may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows (what is best for you) and you do not.” (The Glorious Qur'an 2:216)

Thank You, ALLAH, for giving life to me, and to my loved ones...and for giving love all around me from family and friends...and for letting me live another new day... every day...

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