Wednesday, June 13, 2012


  • A man that can't be present for you emotionally at all times may not be a man that makes a good long term partner.
  • Men fall in LOVE with you when they think about you and when you stay on their minds when you are apart.

  • If  he sees you as long term potential and has deep feelings, he won't be up and down, hot and cold. Sure he may have an off day, but he wouldn't dream of being this way to the woman he wants to keep around. This is treatment he reserves for his back burner girls or women that allow him to get away with such behavior.  The sad truth for the reason they stay around and blow hot and cold is they are keeping their OPTIONS OPEN.

  • Often men have several options. You may not be the only girl he is showing his attention to. Often men will keep you on the back burner so to speak. They call you, text you, spend time here and there with you. This is to keep you interested enough so that you will remain an OPTION. He is just buying time and having something to do until the one that knocks his socks off comes along. When he thinks he found her, he leaves you in the dust. 


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