Friday, February 24, 2012

It's a small matter to Allah

It's a small matter to Allah so trust Allah. When you feel down, unhappy, sad and lonely... Trust Allah. Allah is there beside you. When you feel unappreciated by someone, unloved and when you feel you are missing someone who dont feel the same way, trust Allah and make du'aa coz everything happens for a reason and Allah (swt) knows best. If Allah swt has it written that things won’t work out, they never will. No matter how much you’re willing to sacrifice for it to work, it won’t, khalas...

The most unexpected person could be the one that will treat you the best, help you make your imaan rise, and someone who will be there for you forever.May Allah swt give us all patience and grant every single one of us what’s best for us. Ameen ya rabb.

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