Monday, February 06, 2012

Kenanganku Bersama Daun Maple

Kenangan dengan Daun Maple:

- Bila tengok gambar ni teringat jalan-jalan menuju ke Bute Building banyak pokok-pokok Maple.  Daunnya berguguran, memang sangat Indah.  Kenangan manis semasa belajar di Cardiff Universiti dulu

- Masa di Aussie pun sama, selalu melalu jalan yang dipenuhi dengan daun-daun Maple bila nak pergi dan pulang ke Universiti

-  Pernah masa nak balik Malaysia dari Melbourne, puas pusing bandar Melbourne kerana nak cari daun Maple kerana ada sorang kawan mengidam nak mencium baunya... maklumlah mengandung anak sulung....

-  Kusertakan juga puisi ini yg sangat menyentuh hatiku...

Autumn Leaf Poem

If I were a leaf on a majestic tall tree,
And I had the choice, of which I could be,
I’d be a maple to turn orange yellow gold
When the cool autumn winds turned warm nights cold.

I’d want to be high as high could be,
So all of the world would be open to me.
I’d sway with the wind, spring, summer and fall
Up in the maple so big and so tall.

Then one moonlit night in October’s cold air,
A beautiful frost would come paint me with care.
All leaves would turn color, as God would have done
To give the world beauty for short days to come.

Then if I could choose on which day I would fall
I pick late October when winds came to call.
I’d choose Sunday morning so bright and sunny,
As sun through the leaves flowed golden as honey.

I’d pick the sweet moment, when the wind was just right
To let go of my limb and float nice and light
Drifting ever so calmly from the place of my birth,
Then gently lie down to my rest here on earth.
Autumn Leaf written by Sharon P. Pinnick © 2002

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